Been recording tracks for another GONE WILD song that I’m told will be going on their 2nd album. The song is a real arse kicker, and has quickly become my all time favourite song of theirs. I used my Epiphone Les Paul and am stoked with the way it’s sounding.
On the note of my album, more progress since I blogged here about it. Got a seventh track completed. It’s called “Transition” and has probably my favourite guitar solo I’ve ever done on it, which oddly was recorded on a 2nd take as I was walking back to my seat in the control room and do the part properly!!
We also did most of the guitars on “First Blood” during that same visit, so we’re getting real close now to this thing being finished. Next tracking is likely to happen in Feb and March and hopefully that will be it altogether. Will keep you posted.
Anyway, just a quick one today – off to work I go.